Move: A blog by Arity

Leveraging constant connections for a seamless transportation landscape

At Business Insider’s IGNITION Transportation event, Hallgren discusses the importance of collecting and analyzing driving data.
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#WeAreArity Wednesday: Kevin Glickley

In our #WeAreArity series, we shine a spotlight on Arity employees each week. Meet Kevin Glickley from our Engineering team.
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Four insurance-transforming ways transportation is changing in the 21st century

More than ever before, auto insurers must stay on top of transportation technology and behavior trends to serve customers in this new age of mobility.
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#WeAreArity Wednesday: Janet Platcow

In our #WeAreArity series, we shine a spotlight on Arity employees each week. Meet Janet Platcow from our Marketing team.
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3 ways a continuous customer connection through a telematics program helps auto insurance compan…

How can the insurance industry leverage a continuously connected customer base to create relevant experiences? We asked insurance industry...
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