
Vehicle Miles Traveled

Improve trend analysis and prediction accuracy

Correlate the economic activity and granular driving trends in the counties that matter most to your analysis.

Get more up-to-date vehicle miles traveled (VMT) metrics down to the county level to better optimize routes, plan and manage transportation infrastructure, and plan retail business operations and forecast revenue.


Improve accuracy
130M+ average daily trips from 45M+ active geographically dispersed consumer connections
Close gaps on the map
95% of our metrics come from U.S. consumer connections vs. fleet sources, with more than 65% of miles captured on arterial roads
Make faster decisions
Metrics updated and available daily
Get insights where you need them
Data aggregated to the county level for localized trends across all road types
Integrate easily
Aggregated data that is normalized and indexed makes it simple to incorporate into your analysis

How to win: 3 ways to drive decisions with driving data for the auto aftermarket industry

With unique driving data, auto aftermarket businesses can start to understand consumers’ traffic patterns and behaviors that can help drive informed decision-making.

Learn about three ways the auto aftermarket industry can leverage data on consumers’ driving behaviors and patterns to inform smarter business decisions.

Read our blog

News & insights

blog post

3 “blind spots” in designing safer roads  

Key takeaways from the ITS America webinar, “Checking blind spots: Mapping risk-significant driving behaviors to desig…

How the traditional automakers can catch-up on autonomous vehicles

Per an Arity study only 23% of respondents believe “… the widespread adoption of autonomous driving behavior will ma…

States with the worst drivers 2024

To uncover what states have the worst drivers, Forbes Advisor analyzed data from all 50 states across eight key metrics,…
Forbes Advisor
blog post

An ITSA recap: Data’s role in protecting vulnerable road users

Three takeaways from the Michelin Mobility Intelligence-hosted panel discussion, “Improving safety for vulnerable road…