
Arity IQ℠

Driving data delivered on demand

Improve pricing sophistication with access to actual driving behavior insights on tens of millions of drivers.

Transcript (pdf)

Arity IQ℠ video

Use Arity IQ℠ to close the right quotes at the right price. Here's how.

Leverage the world’s largest driving behavior database tied to claims to price more profitably at quote.


Manage risk

Reduce adverse selection

Price competitively

Increase customer retention by offering more competitive rates

Grow profitability

Improve average lifetime value by adding better drivers to your book

Enhance pricing accuracy

Price risk more accurately at time of quote

Access actual driving behavior collected from mobile phones and connected vehicles to use at time of quote to more precisely price nearly any driver.

Arity sources the data we collect and analyze from nearly 40M connected devices.

16% improvement in lifetime value (LTV)

These results are modeled across four cohorts of actual U.S. drivers that exhibit different driving risk profiles.

White paper

The new wave of auto insurance pricing is here

Old models can’t keep pace with changing driving behavior.

Read our white paper to find out how to close the gap.
Read white paper

News & insights

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Your guide to auto insurance market segmentation  

What is auto insurance market segmentation? And how does data make it easier for carriers?
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The driving safety crisis + its impact on auto insurance carriers 

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