Arity Audiences
Target drivers based on risk, mileage, commuting habits, and more
More effectively reach your ideal audiences with the best offers to eliminate wasted spend, increase retention, and achieve optimal customer LTV.
Focus your efforts on reaching the audiences with driving behaviors you’re targeting
Ensure you’re serving the best offers to each user based on their actual driving history
Deliver relevant messaging based on each customer’s movement and driving experiences
For auto insurance carriers, Arity’s lowest-risk tier drivers have up to 5x greater lifetime value than average drivers
Reach the best customers for your business
- High to low risk drivers
- High to low mileage drivers
- High to low distance and duration commuters
- Distracted drivers
- Insurance premium drivers
- Lower funnel insurance shoppers
- Tire wear and tear audiences
- High to low risk drivers
- High to low mileage drivers
- High to low distance and duration commuters
- Safety-conscious drivers
- Performance drivers
- Fuel efficient drivers
- Lease/Trade-in potential drivers
- Comfort-seeking drivers
- In-market car shoppers
- Electric car interest driver
- Predictive POI (point of interest) audiences
How behind-the-wheel behavior drives better marketing
Many marketers are opting for behavior data, but not all data is created equal
Here’s how six industries are leveraging insights on driver behavior to take drivers from point A (the road) to point B (their business).
Reach the right auto insurance customers for greater lifetime value
There’s a lot to gain by adjusting marketing strategies to target customers based on their lifetime value (LTV)
Auto insurance marketers often celebrate high click-through rates, quote requests and conversions — but are these successes enough?