

Don’t just predict risk, predict profitability

Assess and price all types of drivers more accurately with our Arity Drivesight® score.

By using our mobile telematics score to leverage the predictive power of driving behavior data, you can improve your loss ratio on the highest-risk drivers and improve retention on less risky drivers.


Avoid double-counting risk
Layer our score on top of traditional rating factors such as territory, age, and credit
Predict frequency and severity of claims
Drivesight® combines driving data with actual claims information to help you more accurately predict future losses
Retain the best customers
With the Drivesight® score, you can more accurately price safe and risky drivers


Improve the loss ratio by more than 50% on the highest-risk drivers
Data visualization of improving loss ratio by more than 50% on the highest-risk drivers
Case study

National General

Implementing telematics

Leveraging our Routely® app and Drivesight® driving score, National General launched its branded telematics program quickly and effectively.
Read case study

News & insights

blog post

Ask an Arity expert: Auto insurance and telematics trends in 2025

Arity’s auto insurance experts – Henry Kowal, Joel Pepera, and Devin McLaughlin – weigh in on where they see the i…

Insurance Industry Faces Major Changes in 2025

What are the major issues affecting the big consumer insurance channels in 2025? Here's what industry experts have to sa…
Insurance Thought Leadership
blog post

5 ways to “turbo-charge” auto insurance telematics

Arity brought “Telematics 3.0” to ITC 2024. Here’s what the next evolution of driving data means for the auto insu…

5 ways startups can survive insurtech’s ‘second wave’

"As the insurtech industry enters what’s being called its 'second wave,' industry executives are suggesting companies…