Move: A blog by Arity

What are today’s biggest insurance industry challenges?

How telematics adoption is changing the face of insurance for both insurance carriers and policyholders.
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As COVID-19 infections increase, will delivery drivers keep on driving?

In 2020, an Arity analysis shows that gig delivery drivers are more persistent than others despite the pandemic.
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Massive shifts in commuter habits point to a ‘new normal’ and changes in transportation

As we cope with this COVID-19 era, changes in transportation and new challenges will be addressed most effectively by organizations that innovate.
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The roads are not the same

The pandemic has caused driver behavior change that extends beyond reduced driving mileage.
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Line graph showing trends in aggressive acceleration in 2019 vs 2020

Consumer connection and individualization in driving: COVID-19 has put the pedal to the metal

During COVID-19, Arity experts explain the financial, technological, and transportation trends that they're seeing in the insurance industry.
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