Move: A blog by Arity

Auto insurance advertising: 3 key benefits of telematics

Paul Dean discusses telematics for advertising, sharing what it is along with its three key benefits to auto insurance marketers.
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Marketers are missing valuable driving behavior data

How can marketers adjust to such a monumental change in customer behavior over the last few years, and what lessons can they take away from it?
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The secret to finding your best customers? Use third-party data to better understand them

Why waste your marketing and advertising efforts only to connect with the wrong people? Here's how third-party data can help.
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Auto insurance marketers, it’s time to re-evaluate your KPIs

With all the changes happening in the digital ad space, it's time marketers focus on new ways to measure success.
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Use driving behavior data to fuel programmatic ad campaigns

How can data about how people drive help advertisers get a better understanding of their customers and connect with them in a meaningful way?
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