You’re in the driver’s seat: How driving scores offer consumers control

Mother and son driving in a car
Driving scores are a valuable tool that give consumers the choice to take control of their financial wellbeing, road safety, and data. Here’s how. 

Driving scores are a smarter approach to auto insurance   

Like how credit scores changed the game when it comes to financing, driving scores can change the game when it comes to auto insurance. Right now, when many auto insurers quote a driver, they may lean heavily on fixed factors like age, location, marital status, and gender.  

While these factors are risk indicators, they are not directly related to how you drive. Driving scores provide a measure of driver risk and safety based on driving behaviors, which facilitates more accurate and fair insurance pricing.  

Using a driving score as an additional factor helps you gain more control of your financial wellbeing in two ways – 

#1 Your driving score is a more accurate way to measure driving risk because it relies on your actual driving behaviors like distracted driving, speeding, and aggressive driving. With it, you can get a more personalized quote.  

#2 And if the quote you’re given isn’t exactly as low as you would like it to be at the get-go, driving scores help uncover where you can improve behaviors for better rates over time. You can’t change the year you were born, and you can’t easily change which zip code you live in – but you can (and should) minimize how often you pick up and use your phone while driving.  

Driving scores can help build a safer future of mobility for everyone 

Unfortunately, traffic deaths have risen 30% over the past ten years, which means we all need to work together to reverse this trend. Arity recently surveyed 1,000 licensed U.S. drivers, and a significant majority (79%) agreed that individual drivers themselves bear the greatest responsibility for improving driving safety.  

Along with improving your financial wellbeing, driving scores can also empower you to play a role and make meaningful change on our roadways. As a part of their usage-based insurance (UBI) programs, many insurers offer coaching around how to become a safer driver and improve your score. This education piece is vital, as risky driving behaviors are often misunderstood, meaning that drivers’ perceptions of these behaviors don’t always line up with the actual risk they pose.  

The Arity driving score creates opportunities to use your data for good 

Consumers are already generating massive amounts of data every single day as they watch TV, scroll through social media, and shop online. Most of this data-sharing is meant to benefit you with personalized “watch next” recommendations, content, and deals. However, when you choose to share your data with the right third-party data steward, you can also make an impact as part of a larger mission.  

When you agree to share driving behavior data through one of our mobile app partners, you’re joining over 40M U.S. drivers who are using their data for good. Along with the chance to benefit yourself, we also offer you opportunities to make a difference with your data.   

Arity is on a mission to make transportation smarter, safer, and more useful for everyone. We turn these raw data points into insights and solutions (like the Arity driving score) that enable auto makers, city planners, departments of transportation, and businesses to change transportation for the better. One huge way to ease congestion and lower insurance prices for everyone is to have less crashes on the roads! 

Want to learn more about benefits to using an Arity driving score? Read our blog to learn what it is, how it is used for personalized insurance pricing, and why it matters.  

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Arity is a mobility data and analytics company. We provide data-driven solutions to companies invested in transportation, enabling them to deliver mobility services that are smarter, safer, and more economical.