#WeAreArity Wednesday: Grant Lamberson Read article
Pizza! Breakfast pizza, veggie pizza, thick crust, thin crust — pizza is probably the most versatile food.
I am more productive in the morning. I typically wake up feeling refreshed and with two young kids, I am usually exhausted by the end of the day.
I am a competitive powerlifter. I compete with the United States Powerlifting Association.
I’d spend the morning enjoying my coffee followed by getting a good lifting session in and just seeing where the day takes me.
The best thing I get to do working from home is have the flexibility to take my kids to school, and pick them up, allowing me more time to spend with them.
I am always telling my 4- and 5-year-olds that when I was their age we didn’t have Internet and streaming devices, so if I wanted to watch a movie, we would have to buy it on VHS.
Volunteering. I’ve been volunteering in my community since I was 17, and now that I am a parent, I enjoy volunteering in my kid’s school district.
Taking a break from work and social media while getting out to do the things I enjoy like playing disc golf and hiking.