Device data statement
Detailed list of data the telematics device collects
The device you plug into your vehicle collects information that is sent back to Allstate over a secure wireless connection. The device also collects a few additional items and we want to make you aware of everything we collect from the device.
Trip Report – This information is sent once per trip (a trip is measured as engine on and engine off):
- Timestamp in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) at trip start and trip end.
- Time zone at trip start used to convert trips to local time at the end of the trip.
- VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) – when applicable.
- Odometer.
- Average speed while the vehicle is in motion (not including 0 mph).
- Seconds driven in speed bands (each band is 10 mph up to 120+ mph).
- Miles driven in each time range (each time range is 1 hour totaling 24 ranges)*
- Constant speed mile driven in variable speed bands.
- Varying speed miles driven in variable speed bands.
- Seconds driven during deceleration in 1 mph/s bands.
- Seconds driven during acceleration in 1 mph/s bands.
- Count of occurrences of decelerating more than 6mph/s over 10 second periods.
- Count of occurrences of accelerating more than 6mph/s over 10 second periods.
- Accelerometer orientation flag – indicating whether the device oriented with vehicle.
- Miles driven with speed variation in 13 individual discrete bands.
- Count of successive acceleration and deceleration.
- Count of excessive speed changes.
- Maximum speed vehicle reached during trip.*Allstate Milewise program
Connect: A timestamp indicating when the device is installed in the vehicle. This is sent once per enrollment or if the device is un-installed and re-installed.
Disconnect: A timestamp indicating when the device is un-installed from vehicle. This is generally sent once per enrollment but also sent again anytime the device is un-installed and re-installed.
GPS trail: Potential data points include GPS time, GPS position, GPS speed and GPS accuracy – depending on individual state regulations.
Heart Beat: A signal sent by the device indicating device is installed in the vehicle and working. This is sent once per day when no trips are recorded for the vehicle.
Braking Event: Hard Braking Events are defined as slowing down between 8 mph and 10 mph over a 1 second time interval. Extreme Braking Events are defined as slowing down 10 or more mph over a 1 second time interval. Data is captured for 1 second before and 8 seconds after the braking event is detected. Each braking event is sent once per event.
High Speed Event: Vehicle speed exceeds 80 mph. Aggregate total miles spent above 80mph. Each instance where the 80 mph threshold is met is sent as one event.
Acceleration Event: Increases in vehicle speed greater than 8 mph/sec. Data is captured for 1 second before and 8 seconds after the braking event is detected. Each acceleration event is sent once per event.
Accelerometer Event: Event is detected across a variable number of seconds of 3-dimensional acceleration readings both before and after the magnitude threshold is exceeded. This is sent once per event as a separate report.
Battery Level: Voltage of vehicle battery when the battery hits a threshold indicating it may be low. This is sent once per event, sent as a separate report.
Battery Drain Event: Battery drain events are measured once per completed trip. This is sent once per event, sent as a separate report.
Current Fuel Level: The current fuel level as a percentage of vehicle capacity. Sent once per trip.
Device Data Trouble Codes: Various codes describing the health of the device and the communication with the vehicle. This is sent once per event, sent as a separate report.
Vehicle Data Trouble Codes: If the malfunction indicator lamp indicator turns on in the vehicle, this report will capture the associated check engine error code. This is sent once per event, sent as a separate report.