Move: A blog by Arity

Does leveraging driver risk data justify the cost of telematics?

Industry expert Robin Harbage shares his thoughts about the potential profit of leveraging telematics to offset the cost increase.
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#WeAreArity Wednesday: Monica Dirk

In our #WeAreArity series, we shine a spotlight on Arity employees each week. Meet Monica Dirk from our Analytics team.
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What insurance carriers can learn from telematics trends

Where did telematics start, how has it been adopted, and where is it going? We asked insurance industry expert, Robin Harbage, about the trends he's seeing.…
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Part II: Why insurance companies need to monitor, measure, and manage distracted driving with te…

In part II of Brian Sullivan and Gary Hallgren’s conversation, they break down the benefits of OEM data and models that inform distracted driving monitori…
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Why insurance companies need to monitor, measure, and manage distracted driving with telematics

Gary Hallgren and Brian Sullivan sat down to chat about how insurers can leverage mobility data to work toward reducing distracted driving.
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