#WeAreArity Wednesday: Grant Lamberson Read article

Pull out your phone. What are your top three most used emojis?
Laughing emoji 😂, the little hearts on the face 🥰, and then the smiling crying emoji 🥲. That’s my three most used.
Who do you text the most?
I would say my best friend and my mom. Those are my two most important people.
What is your favorite movie genre to watch?
I actually have two. I like horror and comedy – those are my favorite ones.
Do you have a favorite movie?
For horror, I would say “Nope” – it just came out. And for comedy, I would say “Central Intelligence.” It’s Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson. Basically, Kevin Hart is an accountant and Dwayne Johnson is in the CIA, and he steals him to get an account hacked into because there are bad guys – it’s an action comedy. It’s quite old, but it’s quite good.
Which song could you listen to over and over again?
“Put Your Head on My Shoulder” by Paul Anka. I love that one. It’s just very peaceful. I like the melody in it, and I don’t think I would ever get bored of it.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received at work?
I usually get very flustered at work. I want to do a hundred things at a time, so my manager – Louise Kerr – actually gave me advice: “Rome wasn’t built in one day.” That helps me to pace myself and be like “OK, I have to step back” and get myself to do things one step at a time.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I actually wanted to be a hairdresser. It’s quite different than what I’m doing now. I wanted to do hair because I love doing my own hair. But the longer I was in school, the more I wanted to do business and IT.
Beach holiday or ski trip?
Beach holiday, for sure. I hate snow and cold.
Where would you like to go for a beach holiday?
Either Portugal, which is my favorite place. Or, I would love to visit Bora Bora at one point in my life. That would just be ideal. It’s gorgeous.
What is an easy way to do something nice for someone?
I would say – if you see somebody’s busy or in the zone, either bring them lunch and water or offer to help them with the task. Just so they know you’re there for them. It’s nice and easy, and they feel validated.
How do you set up good boundaries between working from home and your life outside of work?
Whenever it comes to my end of day, I close my laptop straightaway. Unless it’s an emergency, I just close my laptop for the day. If I’m in the middle of a conversation, of course I will say something along the lines of, “It’s end of day. I have to go.” That’s one of them.
The second is I use focus mode on my phone. So, I have focus mode specifically for work. It cancels all my personal texts or emails, and just focuses on the messages that come from Teams. And then I have focus mode that’s specifically for personal, so anything that’s work-related is blocked after work.
That helps a lot because before, I would see Teams messages and just go on it and start working in the middle of the night. It’s definitely helped me have a good balance and set boundaries.