#WeAreArity Wednesday: Grant Lamberson Read article

At Arity, I am on the customer success team focused on our digital marketing solutions.
A mobile and analytics company that uses rich telematics data to help customers make better decisions and models based on risk.
Since my husband and I are both home, I escape to our bedroom and have a desk facing the window. I’m getting really good at knowing what time the trash pick-up and mailman will arrive!
My newest Covid hobby is cooking and cooking gadgets. I regularly trade recipes with my coworkers and friends. I’m also into testing different food deliveries like Hello Fresh.
I can tell win I’m going to win a raffle – I actually feel it! I’ve won everything from Cubs tickets to a camera, to an ice cream maker, gift cards and a bike.
I really like to be in control and driving! However, I think I might make an exception and get in a self-driving car if it was for a long road trip, so I could sleep or play on my phone or watch Netflix.
I am a workout junkie / health food nut, so I would have to say Kurt Seidensticker who founded Vital Proteins. I am obsessed with adding the collagen peptides powder to my coffee every morning! The Vital Performance bars are also ridiculously good post workout.