Ask an Arity expert: Auto insurance and telematics trends in 2025 Read article

Dear society,
Just a few weeks ago, I came across a local news article about a hit-and-run crash that resulted in two people losing their lives. As usual, the article reported on details of the incident: A moving vehicle crashed into a parked car which caused the death of two men who were simply just standing nearby.
But what really got to me – what always gets to me – were the details of who these people were, the lives they led, and the families they left behind: One of the victims was a 59-year-old man whose life-long friend described as a “hard-working man who loved cars and was dedicated to his five children and two grandchildren.”
On Thanksgiving Day, he lost his life. And his family lost a brother, father, grandfather. This one story is heartbreaking. The fact that there are 40,000+ stories like this – 40,000+ lives lost on U.S. roads – every single year is unacceptable.
We see the headlines, we read the statistics, and we know something has to change. We need to find a way to change it now.
Today, there is more data than ever on what’s causing risk on our roads, and Arity is on a mission to leverage that data to create insights that empower a smarter, safer, and more useful way to navigate the world.
Our goals for the future of mobility may – at first – seem big and daunting, but there are things we can do to improve these problems. And even if only incrementally, the goals we are setting out to achieve are critical as our time, our money, and our lives hang in the balance.
Let’s turn “envision,” “hope,” and “wish,” into reality. At Arity, we believe this future will be driven by data that explains how people move and interact. However, as with any other life-changing, life-saving mission, we can’t do this alone.
Everyone has a role to play in the future of mobility, from individuals, to businesses, to government. Our goals may be big, but small, incremental changes from a passionate, collaborative “all hands on deck” industry can start us down the right path.
Arity views driving data as the jet fuel that powers the engine and propels the jet, so it can take to the skies. In this analogy:
– Every driver understands the impact of their own risky driving behaviors – speeding, distracted driving, hard braking, etc. – and is motivated and empowered to mitigate those behaviors to create a better transportation experience for all.
– There are zero road fatalities.
– Commuters are no longer filled with dread and anxiety as they head out in the mornings because we have alleviated traffic jams, risky driving behaviors, and train delays.
It’s time for all of us to unite under this one mission to bring the future of mobility to life.
Are you ready? Follow Arity on LinkedIn as we build and bring the #FoM community together around specific and immediate action to turn this vision into reality. We all have a role to play. So, let’s embark on this journey together!