Does “spring forward” really make roads riskier? Arity driving behavior data may tell a different story Read article

Life is returning to normal … or is it? By March 2021, total miles driven countrywide had gone back to pre-pandemic numbers, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.
We’ve seen companies like Adobe, Amazon, Facebook, Capital One, and dozens of others announcing that some positions are eligible for remote work, either full-time or part time.
What other permanent changes can we expect?
We can extrapolate a lot of insight from driving data, but it’s just not the same as asking the drivers themselves what they think.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve not only monitored how people’s driving behaviors have radically shifted, according to mobility data, but also how people’s mindsets have shifted in the last year and a half.
Our latest consumer survey gathered the thoughts of a nationally representative sample of almost 2,000 U.S. adults. We asked questions about:
In this article, we’ll focus on what we discovered with our first research effort: trends concerning transportation and commuting behaviors.
Our goal was to understand modes of transportation and frequency as well as commuting behaviors within the previous three months compared to before the pandemic. The survey was conducted in March 2021. Keep in mind that this was before most of the public restrictions were lifted in much of the U.S.
Here’s what we learned.
The pandemic’s impact on whether and how people commute to work has been profound.
What’s surprising in these findings is how widespread the impact of the pandemic on transportation habits has been. Three in four people have adjusted what kind of transportation they use. One in two commuters no longer commute or commute less often. And we can still feel this impact a year later, in March 2021.
As the U.S. opens but the world in general continues to fight COVID-19 and all the variants. Will these shifts in behavior dramatically change again? Or will these new habits stick around?
If there’s one thing that Arity is really good at, it’s transforming large amounts of raw driving data into meaningful insights that help companies collect data at scale, better predict risk and improve customer experiences.
We will continue to report our findings and take periodic snapshots, like with this survey, of how people are feeling about getting from point A to point B.