Ask an Arity expert: Auto insurance and telematics trends in 2025 Read article

Originally published on Insurance Innovation Reporter
Reports from government and industry experts leave no doubt: distracted driving is an epidemic. Risky roadway behaviors like texting behind the wheel take a staggering toll in lives and money. One out of four drivers have suffered an accident due to distracted driving, costing the auto insurance industry $10 billion annually. What’s driving these trends, and what can the insurance industry do to persuade drivers to put down their phones and focus on the road?
It’s clear that our unshakable attachment to smartphones fuels this behavior. Billions of dollars and millions of hours are devoted to optimizing mobile apps to keep us glued to our devices. And that addiction permeates every part of our lives, including time behind the wheel.
The largest insurers are collaborating with major telecommunications companies on road safety education and awareness campaigns. There is also an effort by the industry to inform local, state and federal agencies as well as schools. Insurers have also promoted road safety apps focused on distracted driving. So, while we are certainly beginning to address the problem, how can we leverage the data and insights to further reduce distracted driving?
The answer is engagement. Through consistent and strategic engagement, we can improve the safety of each customer that we serve. By engaging drivers in the right way and at the right time, we can create real and lasting behavioral change.
There are four key approaches to meaningfully engage with your customers about their driving behavior:
Distracted driving is causing too many deaths on our roads. While our phones contribute to the problem, they can also help bring it to a halt. By providing relevant mobile insights to drivers we can encourage them to begin to make a series of micro steps towards improving their driving habits.
In the insurance industry, our success is directly related to determining which behaviors are causing accidents and the severity of those events. As an industry we can, and should, help put the brakes on dangerous behaviors like distracted driving.