WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.110 --> 00:00:04.800 Do you need a better way to effectively measure and quantify risky driving 2 00:00:04.800 --> 00:00:07.050 behaviors? At Arity, 3 00:00:07.290 --> 00:00:11.310 our team of engineers and designers have built a mobile app to source and 4 00:00:11.320 --> 00:00:14.430 identify the behaviors most predictive of safe driving. 5 00:00:15.450 --> 00:00:16.380 It's called Routely®. 6 00:00:17.790 --> 00:00:21.870 Routely® enables you to capture telematics data while creating a brand-specific 7 00:00:21.870 --> 00:00:26.160 experience for your customers. And because of its off-the-shelf nature, 8 00:00:26.400 --> 00:00:30.270 the mobile app integrates seamlessly into your business and allows you to get 9 00:00:30.270 --> 00:00:35.250 your program up and running in as quickly as eight to 10 weeks after 10 00:00:35.250 --> 00:00:38.520 your customer is enrolled. Through Routely®'s seamless signup process, 11 00:00:38.700 --> 00:00:42.570 they'll experience an optimal level of engagement through a variety of research 12 00:00:42.570 --> 00:00:47.400 tested features like push notifications and in-app messaging to 13 00:00:47.400 --> 00:00:50.670 interact with users directly at different stages of their journey. 14 00:00:51.480 --> 00:00:53.580 Like when users are driving distracted. 15 00:00:55.350 --> 00:00:59.610 Routely® can also deliver a gamification experience to provide positive feedback 16 00:00:59.640 --> 00:01:03.990 and promote safer driving. Driver and passenger detection is automatic, 17 00:01:04.170 --> 00:01:08.790 and each trip is precisely recorded to provide deep insights into how customers 18 00:01:08.790 --> 00:01:10.380 move from A to B. 19 00:01:11.010 --> 00:01:15.360 And our new score page provides safe driving tips and allows customers to track 20 00:01:15.360 --> 00:01:17.190 their progress towards benefits. 21 00:01:17.940 --> 00:01:22.020 And because Routely®'s score is built on one of the world's largest telematics 22 00:01:22.020 --> 00:01:25.740 data sets tied to actual telematics insurance claims, 23 00:01:26.010 --> 00:01:28.950 you can be confident in the feedback your customers receive. 24 00:01:29.580 --> 00:01:33.960 It's time to put the power of mobile telematics to work for your business. 25 00:01:33.960 --> 00:01:35.490 And Routely® is the answer.